Relevant notes on Membership
1. Membership year
1.1 A membership year will subsist from 1st August to 31st July of the subsequent year.
1.2 To facilitate renewal of membership of existing members, there is a discretionary grace period of around 3 months, i.e. from 1st August to 31st October of the year of expiry of membership, for existing members to complete renewing their memberships.
2. Membership Tenures
Memberships | Tenures |
Full member | Lifetime |
3. Benefits of members
Memberships | Benefits |
Full member | - receive HKRMTA newsletter - qualified to use RT related material published by HKRMTA - receive updated news/ RT related resources - enjoy priorities in attending course organized by HKRMTA and may enjoy discount in relevant course fees - have voting rights |
4. Members' responsibilities
Member shall
4.1 comply to the Constitution of the Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association Limited
4.2 update HKRMTA Ltd on his/her current particulars, i.e. e-mail address and telephone number, etc. whenever there is/are change(s), to facilitate effective communication
4.3 keep the membership card in good condition and return the same to HKRMTA Ltd forthwith whenever it is requested
4.4 show to HKRMTA Ltd's representative(s) his/her membership card for identity of membership in any event
5. Mode of communication
5.1 HKRMTA Ltd will communicate with its members by e-mail
5.2 Relevant information including constitution of HKRMTA Ltd, course information and relevant meeting information, etc. can be seen in the website: (launches later)
6. Notice to Data Subject Regarding Personal Data Disclosed
The personal data provided by you will be accessible only to those persons who are directly involved in the operation of the Association. They are required to observe the rule of confidentiality under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and other relevant ordinances. Personal data are only disclosed when the Association Council authorizes such disclosure. You have right of access to and correction of personal data held on you by the Association. Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data which may subject to payment of a fee as prescribed by the Association Council.